Kiwi Country under lockdown...in NZ
Elizabeth McGuinnessJun 15, '21
I am very late coming to write about the past 15 months. I had barely arrived in New Zealand last year 15 March and then a few days later the country went into a strict lockdown... not like Ireland or UK... I mean STRICT. no post office. No banks. Only the supermarket and the pharmacy and the petrol station.... and 2km was the strict limit. My husband's house is less than 1.5km to the beach, yet we were not even allowed to sit in the car on the beach and watch the sunset. NZ went hard and fast... and it seems to have paid off. There was zilch to do... so I painted my husband's house!!!... as in.. the exterior of his house! It took me five weeks and saved him a truck load of money, but I ahd nothign better to do and knew that I woudl do a good job, up and down that flaming ladder!! Finally, after many efforts, canceled flights etc I finally got out of NZ on April 19th work done, but no Kiwi CC suppliers visitedunderstanably) and returned home to Covid 19 Ireland. I will say here that, like everyoen else, I felt hamstrung and worried and frustrated, but I took the approach that it was outside of mine, and everyone's control, so decided to make the best of it. Thank God for a big garden. Weather was very average but at least it kept my head right and I do like getting up early in summer time. And, by the way... my scleroderma symptoms did not play up the entire time from arriving in NZ... OK warm weather until I left it ... but as soon as back in ireland gloves were back on!! Funny, this year is the same, May and June has been really cool. Over and out for now.